Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Davie County News From Bixby, Route 2, Farmington, Advance, April 5, 1922

Bixby Items

The Bixby Sunday school opened up Sunday after a few months delay on account of bad weather, with a very nice crowd present.

Mrs. J.H. Robertson has been very sick for the last few days, we are sorry to note.

Miss Addie Mae Walker spent a few hours in Mocksville Saturday on business; also D.H. Hendricks and W.T. Myers.

Mr. and Mrs. R.G. Walker and little son spent Wednesday in Bixby the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Walker.

Mrs. C.P. Merrell has returned home from her mother’s, who has been very low.

Miss Fallie Cornatzer of Advance was the guest of her sister, Mrs. W.T. Barney Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Walker visited her mother, Mrs. Riddle of the Bend Sunday afternoon.

E.G. Hendricks and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rice of Fork Church Sunday.


Route Two News

We are having some pretty weather now.

Kelly Wood is on the sick list. We hope for him a speedy recovery.

Misses Grace and Evelyn Walls spent the week-end with relatives in Mocksville.

John Logan is on the sick list, we are sorry to note.

Little Postile Leonard is seriously ill with pneumonia.

Mr. and Mrs. G.R. Wood are at home with Kelly Wood, who is ill.

Mr. J.R. Long and children and Will Myers are on the sick list.


Farmington News

Lee Nicholson returned to his home in Macon, Ga., last week. Mrs. Nicholson is still at the bedside of grandma Nicholson, who is improving.

Mr. and Mrs. Goodman and Mrs. Estelle Johnson of Winston spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Smith.

Miss Pauline West of Winston is spending two weeks with her mother, Mrs. G.L. West, who has been quite ill.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Wade Hendricks of Newton spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Hendrix of Pudding Ridge Farm.

The Farmington base ball team played two games last week, one with North Winston school on Friday, a most interesting game. The score was 7 to 9 in favor of Farmington. On Saturday Farmington and Jamestown again crossed bats, resulting in a score of 4 to 7 in Farmington’s favor.

Two games are scheduled for this week, North Winston at Farmington Friday at 3:30 and Jamestown at Farmington, Saturday 3 p.m.

The V.I.S. Community Social given last Saturday night was a decided success. About 100 were in attendance. The program of music and recitation was well given and very enjoyable. There were interesting games and contests for all. Delicious ice cream was served after which the young men gave several songs. Everybody reported the evening well spent.

The V.I.S. will hold its next meeting this coming Saturday night, on account of a musical to be given the following Saturday night, April 15, by the Farmington base ball team.


Advance Items

Myrtle March is staying in J.H. Robertson’s store now.

Annie Foster spent one day last week in Bixby shopping.

H.T Smithdeal spent Wednesday in Winston on business.

W.R. Taylor spent Wednesday morning in Bixby.

Sallie Elizabeth, daughter of C.D. Peebles, celebrated her 11th birthday last Wednesday by inviting a large number of her friends to her home.

Several games were played and during the evening, cake, pickles and lemonade was served.

May White was sick last week, we are sorry to hear, but is some better now.

Mrs. Bud Hege and Mrs. Charlie Hege and son of near Fulton spent Thursday evening in Advance.

Mary Shutt came home last to stay a while with her parents.

Ethel Smithdeal spent Saturday in Winston.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shutt spent Sunday at Smith Grove.

W.R. and Charlie Taylor spent Sunday with their mother at Yadkin.

Lee Sidden of Winston spent Sunday here.

Another house is going up here. It’s for Walter Shutt.

Willie Hendrix, who is going to school at Salisbury, spent Sunday with her mother here.

Charlie Taylor and daughters, Emma and Dorothy, spent Wednesday in Winston.

From the Davie Record, Mocksville, N.C., April 5, 1922

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