Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Maxie Seaford To Head Up Next Davie County Fair, April 5, 1922

County Fair Organized

A number of citizens of the county met at the court house Monday and organized a Davie County Fair Association. The following officers were elected:

President, Maxie Seaford; V. Presidents W.A. Roberts of Clarksville, John L. Foster of Calahaln, Dr. T.T. Watkins of Shady Grove, L.J.C. Pickler of Jerusalem, W.F. Stonestreet of Mocksville, P.W Hairston of Fulton, L. L. Miller of Farmington. Foy Feezor was elected Secretary-Treasurer. The Executive Committee is composed of W.E Boyles, Peter Hairston, Charlie Alexander, H.A. Sanford and W.F. Stonestreet. The next meeting will be held the first Monday in May at 1 o’clock.

From the Davie Record, Mocksville, N.C., April 5, 1922

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