Monday, April 4, 2022

Isaiah Moore Marries 13 Women, Takes Their Money, Abandons Them a Week Later, Including One From Wilson, N.C., April 5, 1922

Husband of 13 Wives Goes to Prison

Indianapolis, Ind., April 3—Isaiah Moore, self-confessed spouse of 13 wives, was sentenced to serve from 2 to 14 years in the State reformatory today on a charge of embezzlement and was fined $1,000 and costs and disfranchised for five years.

Moore was also sentenced to serve from 2 to 5 years in the state prison on a charge of bigamy to which he pleaded guilty.

He is said to have embezzled $512 from Miss Harriet Evans of Mexico, Indiana, school teacher and his 13th wife. Miss Evans was married to him under the name of Melrose.

Moore, according to the police, is said to have obtained more than $2,700 from his wives. In each case after he had been wedding a week, he disappeared.

Moore married one of his wives at Wilson, N.C., but soon abandoned her.

From the front page of The Enterprise, Williamston, Martin County, N.C., Tuesday, April 4, 1922

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