Friday, April 1, 2022

Presbytery Declines to Install Minister Who Baptised Dog, April 1, 1922

Presbytery Will Not Install Curtis

Brookline, Mass., April 1—The Rev. Edwin Curtis of the First Presbyterian Church here, whose alleged baptism of a dog and reported offering of grace in the words “Thank Thee, Oh Lord, for the French fried potatoes” were the subject of charges recently, had formal announcement from the Boston Presbytery today that he would not be installed as a Presbyterian pastor at the expiration of his period of probation, which ended today.

The decision of the Presbytery reached a month ago, resulted in a sharp controversy between that body ad the congregation. Only a small part of the congregation, it was said, was in accord with the decision. A meeting of the congregation to consider whether it will accept the Presbytery’s ruling will be held shortly and Mr. Curtis said today that the outcome of that meeting and not the decision of the Presbytery would determine his status.

From The Charlotte News, Saturday, April 1, 1922

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