Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Spindale High School Debating Team, Other Local News, April 13, 1922

Spindale News Notes

Spindale, April 6—The Spindale High School debating team met the Henrietta High School team in the second preliminary Wednesday evening at Forest City. The Spindale team won out in the first preliminary last Monday evening at Forest City against the South Mountain Industrial Institute, while at the same time the Henrietta team won out at Henrietta against the Avondale, Caroleen and Cliffside teams. The county debate question is “Resolved, That Bill S506 providing for a fivefold adjusted compensation to all World War veterans should be passed.” Wednesday evening the Henrietta affirmative, consisting of Messrs. M.D. Mahaffee and Water Smith debated Spindale’s negative, Messrs. Clarence Griffin and Herman Crenshaw, in the first round. In the second round the Spindale affirmative, Miss Marjorie Wright and Mr. Ocie Nanney, debated Henrietta’s negative, Misses Pearl Gillespie and Ruth Hamrick. The debate was hotly contested. The judges gave their decisions in favor of the Spindale affirmative and Henrietta negative. These two teams will debate at the County Commencement April 15 for County Championship. The judges in the debate were Attorney S.P. Dunagan and Editor R.E. Price of Rutherfordton and Professor Cherry of the Alexander School. Capt. B.S. Smith of Forest City presided as chairman and Prof. E.S. Justice of Spindale as secretary. This is a great honor to the Spindale school. Many of the schools eliminated in the first preliminaries are older, larger and more firmer (firmly) established than the Spindale school.

Mr. Ocie Nanney represented the Spindale High school in the orators’ contest at Rutherfordton Thursday evening. His oration being “The Bonus Question.” The Spindale High school literary society held its regular weekly meeting Friday afternoon and elected officers for the next term which resulted in the following being chosen: president, Ruth Ellis; vice-president, Clarence Griffin; secretary, Herbert Crenshaw; chaplain, Mary Toms; censor, Ora Crenshaw. Rev. M.W. Heckard, the local Methodist pastor, left Monday morning for Spencer, N.C., to assist Dr. D.V. York, the noted Oklahoma evangelist, in a series of meetings being held there. Mrs. Heckard and children accompanied him as far as Gastonia, where they will spend a few days. Rev. Heckard will be gone a week. Rev. Kistler Collins of Cliffside held a series of meetings at the Methodist church last week. During the week he delivered some very inspiring sermons. He had as his object the lining up of new converts and church members outside the church into Christian service, not only of the Baptist church but of the Methodist church as well. He was ably assisted in this series of meetings by Rev. D.I. Hunt and Rev. M.W. Heckard.

Mr. B.S. Lunsford of Marion, secretary of the Epworth League work in the Marion District, visited the Methodist Sunday school Sunday morning and assisted in organizing an Epworth League. The Spindale correspondent has no authority for the following statement, but he has gathered from various sources information to the effect that Mr. Lunsford is contemplating announcing himself as candidate to Congress from the Tenth North Carolina District in opposition to Hon. Zebulon Weaver.

Mrs. W.M. Clay, teacher; Clarence Griffin, attendance secretary, and Victor Gross of the Leaders Bible Class were selected as delegates to the State Sunday school Convention at Charlotte, April 11, 12 and 13, from the Spindale M.E. Church.

From the front page of the Forest City Courier, April 13, 1922

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