Thursday, April 14, 2022

Walter Spencer Knows How to Present a Case, April 14, 1922


He Knows How to Present His Case

Physically at least, he is the heavyweight in the four-sided Democratic contest for Solicitor of the First Judicial District, and while he hasn’t made the showing to date on this side of the Sound that some other candidates have made, he is going to make the whole district sit up and take notice before the polls of the Primary open on June 3. Walter L. Spencer, attorney-at-law of Swan Quarter, Hyde County, is not running for office just to be running, or just to help the candidacy of some other fellow, but because he thinks he stands a genuine show to win. He doesn’t as the party to nominate him in spite of his residence in Hyde County, but because of it. In the distribution of offices for many years poor old Hyde has been left clean out of it. To-day Hyde is poor no longer. She has pulled herself out of her former isolated position with good roads and a railroad and expects to take her rightful place among the counties of the district and demand due recognition for her sons. Walter Spencer makes a strong appeal for support, and he has not wasted his 10 years as a practitioner in the courts of the district. He knows how to present his case.

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Friday, April 14, 1922

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