Sunday, October 9, 2022

Hubert Maxwell to be Tried for Stabbing George Garren During Service at Moore's Grove Church, Oct. 9, 1922

Maxwell Murder Case Is Set for Trial Tomorrow

Superior court enters upon its second week today, adjournment having been taken shortly after noon Saturday until this afternoon.

The grand jury did not complete its work last week in view of the unusual batch of bills before it for consideration, but took an adjournment until Wednesday.

The Hubert Maxwell case has been set for Tuesday and a special venire of 100 men has been summoned. Maxwell is charged with the murder of George W. Garren at Moore’s Grove church on Saturday night during services there last spring. Garren was stabbed and died before he could be taken to the hospital.

The number of witnesses was limited at the coroner’s trial but it is understood that additional and important witnesses have been secured.

The jurors for this week are:

J.W. Whitesides, H.A. Thompson, E.W. King, G.W. Justus, G.C. Lyda, A.L. Pace, H.P. Duncan, R.P. Ward, Dock Lindsey, W.J. Nicholson, J.C. Maxwell, H.G. Daggart, J.B. Griffin, John Ficker, F.M. Nicholson, E.J. Pryor, J.H. Taylor, K.B. Bess.

From the front page of The Hendersonville News, Monday, Oct. 9, 1922

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