Sunday, October 9, 2022

Smith Saves Woman From Fire at Barker Place Sunday, Oct. 9, 1922

Daring Deed Seen in Lady’s Rescue from Fire Sunday

The large residence on the Barker place suffered a costly fire yesterday afternoon when most effective firefighting and a most daring deed was recorded by volunteers of that community and Hendersonville.

The fire was raging when a call for help was received at Hendersonville. Members of the fire department and a number of volunteers rushed to the scene and despite the fact that the building appeared to be almost enveloped in flames, the fire-fighters by most faithful work with buckets and a garden hose managed to check and finally extinguish the flames. The manner in which the men dressed in their best clothes labored was most commendable, but the most courageous deed was that of L. Smith, who rushed into a room dense with smoke and carried therefrom an aged lady who has been critically ill.

Chief Otis Powers made an attempt to get into the room but in his exhausted condition from arduous work and much running, his breath was too short, and he could not withstand the dense smoke. Deputy Sheriff Dewey Case attempted to rush in and rescue the lady but upon reaching the second floor of the house and the door of the room she occupied, he met Mr. Smith emerging from the cloud of suffocating smoke with the lady in his arms and assisted in taking her from the burning building. This was said to be one of the most daring rescues ever attempted in this community.

From the front page of The Hendersonville News, Monday, Oct. 9, 1922

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