Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Davis, Griffin, Lassiter, Smith, Isley, Mason, Lehman Obituaries, Nov. 8, 1922

Mrs. Davis Dead

High Point, Nov. 7—News reached here yesterday of the death of Mrs. Arabella Alice Davis, who died suddenly of heart disease at her home in Jamestown. She had been in good health and her death came as a shock to her relatives and friends. Surviving are three sons and one daughter. Funeral services were conducted at the home Tuesday afternoon.


James Griffin Dead

High Point, Nov. 7—Following an illness of four days, James Griffin, one of the best known men in this section of the State, died yesterday morning at 5 o’clock at his home here. He was 57 years of age and is survived by his widow and several children.


Mrs. Annie Lassiter Dies at Lumberton

Lumberton, Nov. 7—Mrs. Annie E. Lassiter, aged 68 years, died Saturday at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. M.B. Robbins, with whom she made her home here. The funeral was conducted from the Robbins home Sunday at 1 p.m. by Dr. Charles H. Durham, pastor of the First Baptist church of Lumberton, of which deceased was a member. The remains were carried to Dunn and laid to rest beside the grave of her husband, the late R.A. Lassiter. Five children survive.


Well Known Citizen of Robeson Dies at Home

Lumberton, Nov. 7—Sam J. Smith, well known Robeson citizen, died Monday morning at his home in the southern part of the county. He was about 60 years old and one of the county’s largest landowners and best farmers. He also owned much farming land in Columbus county. His second wife and five children survive.


Funeral Held for Well Known Burlington Woman

Burlington, Nov. 7—The funeral of Mrs. H.E. Isley, who died in the local hospital following an operation, was held from the Methodist Protestant church Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock, conducted by Rev. H.W. Taylor, pastor of the church. Interment was made at Pine Hill cemetery. The funeral was attended by a large assembly of relatives, neighbors and friends. Mrs. Isley was about 40 years of age, and had lived here almost all her life. She is survived by her husband and other relatives.


Mrs. Mason Dead

New Bern, Nov. 7—Mrs. Frances Mason, wife of Mr. William Mason of Atlantic, died at a local hospital Sunday morning following an illness of several weeks.

The body, accompanied by the husband, was taken to Atlantic Sunday and the funeral service was conducted at that place. Mrs. Mason was 36 years of age and held in high esteem by all who knew her.


Teacher at Salem for 52 Years, Dead

Winston-Salem, Nov. 7—Miss Emma A. Lehman, for 52 years a teacher in Salem College and known and loved throughout the South, died at her home in this city yesterday at 10:30 o’clock.

Miss Lehman, who for the last few years had been senior retired teacher at the college, was known and loved by thousands who had for the last 60 years had come under her influence as a teacher and leader. She was born in Bethania on August 28, 1841. She was sent to the Academy at the age of 13 and finished the course at 16.

From the Raleigh News & Observer, Nov. 8, 1922

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