Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Leo Finkler Reclaims Stolen Shoes Off Feet of Prisoner, Nov. 8, 1922

Recovers Shoes Off Feet of Prisoner

Leo Finkler, southbound tourist, whose tent was robbed recently while he was enjoying peaceful slumber, paid a visit to the county jail yesterday and came away with a pair of shoes which he had despaired of ever seeing again. As a result, Frank Johnson, negro bad man, was pacing to and for like a restless lion in his socks.

With the aid of the police Finkler also recovered some valuable jewelry from Johnson’s house.

Johnson is at present in the county jail waiting trial in the Superior Court, which may send him to the electric chair. He is charged with burglary in the first degree.

From the Raleigh News & Observer, Nov. 8, 1922

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