Wednesday, November 2, 2022

High Point Stores Robbed Nov. 1, 1922

Officers Search for Burglars in High Point Today. . . Furniture City Visited by Band of Robbers at Early Hour This Morning

With officers working diligently in their efforts to round up the guilty persons, Chief of Police L.W. Blackwelder said today that he had a clue as to the robbers who early this morning entered several High Point stores, escaping with over $100 worth of merchandise and damaging property to a greater amount.

While no arrests had been made this afternoon, the police officers were at work on the case and it is not improbable that warrants will be served soon. The chief is of the opinion that the robberies were committed by boys.

J.S. Welborn Supply Company, South Main street, suffered the greatest loss as a result of the visit of robbers this morning. The culprits made their way into the building by breaking open two double doors. They escaped with $10 in cash, which was taken from the desk, and about $40 worth of flash lights and other fixtures.

An attempt was made to enter the store of W.C. Beavans, South Main street. The doors were broken open, but an entrance was not affected. The robbers also failed in their attempt to enter the clothing store of James H. Farley. A glass was cut in the back door, but a bar kept the burglars from gaining entrance.

The showcase in front of the store of S. Robinowitz, East Washington street, was broken open and 12 odd shoes were stolen. No other merchandise was taken as far as could be learned.

From the front page of The High Point Enterprise, Nov. 1, 1922

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