Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Riddick Suggests Furniture Classes at N.C. State College, Nov. 1, 1922

Furniture School Urged by Riddick

Thomasville, Nov. 1—Upon invitation of the local Rotary club, President C.A. Riddick of North Carolina State college, addressed the club at its luncheon meeting here today on the subject of establishing a school in furniture-making and design as a part of the State College curriculum. The importance of the furniture industry in North Carolina was stressed by the speaker, who declared that study of design and manufacture were quite as important as the textile courses now a part of the college curriculum.

In making his address, President Riddick referred to the growth of the furniture industry particularly in High Point and Thomasville, cities that owe their prosperity and growth largely to this branch of manufacturing.

From the front page of The High Point Enterprise, Nov. 1, 1922. The president of NCSU in 1922 was Wallace Carl Riddick, not C.A. Riddick.

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