Thursday, November 3, 2022

Mrs. V.L. Pendleton, 85, Shares Experience with Students, Nov. 3, 1922

Mrs. Pendleton Talks to High School Pupils

Bringing a message of cheer and courage from beyond the 85th milestone and from a wealth of experience gleaned from years of active teaching. Mrs. V.L. Pendleton talked to the pupils of Warrenton High and Graded School in chapel on Tuesday morning. The speaker told of the purposes of education in shaping life and of the duty of childhood to heed the instruction given in order that it might better reap the reward of higher training.

Mrs. Pendleton’s audience was in rapt attention to catch her every word and the entire school felt fortunate in having heard the address, a member of the faculty remarked yesterday.

From the front page of The Warren Record, Warrenton, N.C., Nov. 3, 1922

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