Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Coker-Williams, Jeffries-Daniel Weddings Solemnized, Jan. 4, 1923


Married Tarboro on Wednesday of last week at the Presbyterian church by the pastor, Rev. A.J. Crane, Mr. R.D. Coker of this place and Miss Minnie Williams of Tarboro. After spending several days on a bridal tour, arrive in Weldon Saturday afternoon.

Mr. Coker is the manager of the Pender store, in Weldon and during his stay here has made many warm, personal friends who will join us in wishing for him and his beautiful bride a safe and pleasant journey down life’s pathway.


Jeffries-Daniel. . . Beautiful Marriage Solemnized at the Baptist Church in Fork Union, Va.

The Baptist church at Fork Union, Va., was the scene of a wedding Wednesday evening when Miss Marian Bruce Daniel, daughter of Raleigh T. Daniel of Weldon, N.C., and granddaughter of Captain and Mrs. Chas. G. Snead of Fluvanna, was married to Robert Semple Jeffries of Norfolk.

The brie entered the church with her father, who gave her in marriage. The Rev. Cosby Robertson, pastor, assisted by Dr. Sparks Melton of Norfolk, performed the ceremony. The bride was gowned in white sequins over satin with a court train. Her veil of tulle was fastened with a coronet of orange blossoms and she carried a shower bouquet of orchids and lilies of the valley.

Mrs. Ernest Payne Burgess, the bride’s aunt, was matron of honor, wearing a costume of silver cloth draped in metal lace and carrying Ophelia roses. The bridesmaids were Misses Narcissa Daniel of Weldon; Katherine DeMott of Lynchburg; Bernice Burgess of Fork Union; Nancy Payne of Fluvana; Narcissa Riddick of Raleigh; and Virginia DeMott of Bryn Maw, Pa. The groomsmen were Major McChesney Jeffries of Norfolk; Eugene Daniel of Weldon; Edward Perry of Culpepper; Sidney Allen of Greensboro; Joseph Snead and Dr. George Snead of Fork Union. The bridegroom is a son of the late Judge Jeffries and Mrs. John Lewis Jeffries of Culpepper.

Among the out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Daniel of Weldon; Mrs. Elliott Averett and Miss Martha Mosby Averett of Chatham, N.J.; Mrs. W.E. Hatcher of Richmond; Mrs. Sellinger of Norfolk; Mrs. C.L. DeMott, Misses Virginia and Katherine DeMott of Lynchburg; Mrs. F.M. Benton of Andover, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. R.T. Daniel, Mrs. A.S. Allen and Walter Allen of Weldon; Sidney Allen of Greensboro; and Eugene Daniel of Weldon. –Richmond News Leader

From the front page of The Roanoke News, Weldon, N.C., January 4, 1923

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