Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Personals and News Briefs from the Roanoke News, Jan. 4, 1923

Personals and Other Items Told in Brief Form


Goodbye old year.

First month of New Year.

One cold wave after another.

Have you yet learned to write it 1923?

A girl with pretty teeth just can’t help smiling.

Those who haven’t got the flu, expect to have it.

Now, all together and let’s pay our Christmas bills.

Mrs. S.B. Pierce has returned from a visit to Durham.

Mrs. Lillie Stainback has returned to Greenville, S.C.

Mrs. Susie Simpson of Norfolk is visiting relatives in town.

Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Williamson spent the holidays in Raleigh.

Miss Hazel Grant spent the holidays with friends at Emporia.

Mrs. Willie G. Cohen has returned from a visit to Raleigh.

The school children will be in harness again after this week.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Foster have returned from a visit to Asheville.

Mr. J.A. Johnston spent the holidays with relatives at Elkin.

Mrs. H.L. Bizzell of Goldsboro spent the week end in town.

Miss Pauline Coghill of Rocky Mount is visiting relatives in town.

Mr. Walter Daniel spent several days at Scotland Neck last week.

Mrs. W.D. Hatcher of Richmond is visiting Mrs. W.E. Daniel.

Miss Eva Stainback of Greensboro is visiting relatives in Weldon.

Mrs. W.S. O’B. Robinson of Goldsboro spent the week end in town.

Miss Virginia Johnson of Franklin, Va., is visiting Miss Elizabeth Vaughan.

Mrs. H.C. Spiers has returned home from a visit to relatives in Smithfield.

Mr. and Mrs. E.C. McLennan of Durham are the guests of Mrs. L.E. Hull.

The return of long skirts means dull times for the manufacturers of silk stockings.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Dickens of Raleigh spent Christmas with Mrs. L.E. Hull.

Misses Ellice and Elizabeth Bounds spent the holidays with relatives at Emporia.

Mrs. A.W. Dunn and children of Scotland Neck are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Daniel.

Mr. Chas. R. Daniel, member of the Legislature from this county, left for his duties at Raleigh last Tuesday.

The girl who got kissed under the mistletoe and the one that did not are both keeping the matter to themselves.

Mrs. Ella Baker and Mrs. Willie Holland of Smithfield, who have been visiting Mrs. D.B. Zollicoffer, have returned home.

Messrs. Grainger Pierce, Allen Pierce, John Wyche, Charles Vincent and Jack Anderson returned to Trinity College Tuesday.

Misses Margaret Dean and Mary Millicent Williams of Wilson, who have been visiting Mrs. W.A. Pierce, have returned home.

Dr. Poe announced last Sunday that the topic of the prayer meeting at the Baptist church this week would be “Little Deeds of Kindness, Little Words of Love.”

The local public schools will open for the spring term on Monday, Jan. 8th. Pupils will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. –W.B. Edwards

Mr. Geo C. Green, who has been at the Johnston-Willis Hospital in Richmond for the past several weeks, has returned home much improved in health, we are glad to note.

The Women’s Missionary Society of the Baptist church is observing this week of prayer for worldwide missions. In connection with these daily services a mission study course is being taught by Mrs. E.D. Poe.

There was a social gathering at the residence of Mrs. J.D. Sheron’s on Sycamore street on Wednesday night of last week, complementary to her brother, Mr. Charles Vincent.

Mr. Grainger Pierce was at home to a party of his friends last Thursday evening. Miss Martha Pierce entertained quite a number of her young friends on last Friday afternoon.

From the front page of The Roanoke News, Weldon, N.C., January 4, 1923

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