Saturday, January 14, 2023

Threat Against Life of 12-Year-Old Allie May Whitfield, Jan. 14, 1923

Threat Against Child Dancer. . . Mother of Girl Receives an Anonymous Phone Message

By the Associated Press

Wilmington, N.C., Jan. 13—Detectives guarded every entrance to the Victoria theatre during the production of an amateur performance, following receipt of an anonymous telephone message by the mother of a 12-year-old Allie May Whitfield, one of the dancers, that the child would be shot form the audience if she appeared on the stage. A dozen policemen were scattered throughout the audience.

The only clue to the person making the call is that the voice was a woman’s. Jealousy of the Whitfield girl, who has attained considerable prominence as a juvenile dancer, is believed responsible.

No attempt was made to hurt the child during the show. She was escorted to and from her home in a police automobile.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, January 14, 1922

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