Friday, October 20, 2023

American Woman Rapidly Becoming Ugly, Says A.E. Wiggam, Oct. 20, 1923

American Woman Rapidly Becoming Ugly, Says Biologist

Topeka, Kansas, Oct. 20—The American woman is rapidly becoming ugly, Albert Edward Wiggam, biologist and publicist of New York, declared in an address prepared for delivery here today before Kansas teacher.

“Our beautiful women soon will cease to exist except in pictures and statuary,” Mr. Wiggam asserted. He based his conclusion on the disparity between the birthrate among American women of the highest type and “that among low class immigrants.”

“On average one child is born to every three of the graduates of our leading women’s colleges,” he said, “but one low class broad-backer, flat chested, stout legged, high necked, stupid, ugly immigrant woman will in the same time produce three. By this process the American woman is rapidly becoming ugly. With a decline in beauty there always comes a decline in intelligence. Every decline in intelligence brings a decline in morals. The crime wave is no mystery to biologists.

“There is only one way out. The old family ideals must be restored. The old American homestead with its good sized family of well born children must be rebuilt.”

From page 3 of the Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, October 20, 1923

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