Monday, October 2, 2023

Boiling Springs News From the Cherokee Scout, Oct. 2, 1923

Boiling Springs

Rev. C.A. Hembree filled his regular appointment here Saturday and Sunday and preached two good sermons.

Mrs. Ira Mundy of Pa. spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Mundy of this place.

Mr. Charlie Dockery of this place spent last week at Murphy, having some dentist work done.

Mr. Ralin Lovingood and family of Murphy were visiting here Sunday.

Mr. J.W. Odell and family of Grandview were welcome visitors at our Sunday School last Sunday.

Mr. N.W. Miwtz left for Haynesville Sunday where he has a position with C.B. Cules sun [supposed to be Son? Or Culessun??] and company.

Mrs. Joe Abernathy is spending a few days with friends at Murphy this week.

Mr. Cuderson of Andrews, N.C., spent the week end with friends here.

Our Schools is progressing nicely.

Miss Grace Danie entertained a crowd of young folks Sunday.

From the front page of The Cherokee Scout, Murphy, N.C., Tuesday, Oct. 2, 1923

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