Thursday, October 19, 2023

Clarence Reid--Making a Go of Elizabeth City's A. & P., Oct. 19, 1923

Making a Go of A. & P. Store


This then, folks, is the manager of the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Store in Elizabeth City, and he is making a go of it. He knows the Elizabeth City trade and has had years of experience in both the retail and wholesale grocery business, which means that he knows how to keep his stock up and have what folks want when they want it. Mr. Reid has been with the Atlantic & Pacific folks nearly a year now. He started their first store in Elizabeth City last Summer, just three weeks before the place was closed because it wasn’t paying. The A. & P. folks gave up Elizabeth City then for a season, but they had found a good store manager and they held on to Clarence Reid, sending him to their Goldsboro store. When they found a more favorable location in Elizabeth City this spring, they sent Mr. Reid back to Elizabeth City.

But it is not likely that he will stay here. There are 8,500 A. & P. stores, say nothing of their 24 mammoth warehouses, 10 gigantic bakeries, four coffee roasting plants, four salmon canneries and 150 other manufacturing plants. These stores handle 225 million pounds of flour, 65 million pounds of coffee and 11 million pounds of tea a year, among other things. There is always room for promotion in the Atlantic & Pacific organization and the continued growth of the business of the Elizabeth City store will mean that Mr. Reid will have to pack up and step up where he may serve a big organization in a bigger way.

Young Mr. Reid is a son of Sheriff Chas. Reid of this city. Zoeller photo.

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Friday, October 19, 1923

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