Thursday, October 12, 2023

Home Demonstration Agent Reports, Hertford and Bertie Counties, Oct. 12, 1923

District Home Agent Gives Report of Work. . . Miss Swindell, Hertford Agent, Has Been Unusually Active During Summer Period

Home Demonstration work in Hertford, according to Miss Pauline Smith of Washington, supervisor of the Tidewater District, in the summer covering the period from July 30 to August 25, has been carried on with increased zeal and upon a larger scale than ever by Miss Myrtle Swindell, county home agent.

The District Agent’s report has just been issued, and includes 13 counties, among which are Hertford and Bertie. The report follows:

Hertford County

Miss Myrtle Swindell of Hertford county reports that the people were delighted with the services of Mr. Wardin, Assistant Poultry Specialist, who spent two days in her county. Mr. Wardin taught several groups to cull their flocks for egg production.

Miss Swindell spent two days in Northampton county conducting a basketry school. This was in return for days Miss Cooley, Northampton County Home Agent, has spent in Hertford. Miss Swindell is establishing a reputation for herself in pickle making. The women and girls are anxious for this information. One of the Hertford County women won out on her pickles at all the adjoining fairs last year. Miss Swindell has spent much time this month preparing for fairs. The Home Demonstration Exhibits were the main feature of the County Fair last year. The influence of the work was shown in every department. Clothing and fairs will be the work for September.

In spite of the frost and then the drought, the housewives of Hertford are filling the pantry shelves. Watermelon, vegetables and fruits have been utilized. Two new clubs have been organized and the women an girls are giving Miss Swindell unusual support.

Field days, 16; office days, 8; clubs visited, 12; attendance, 264; meetings held and attended, 18; attendance, 2,360; conferences, 87; letters written, 142; articles for publication, 5; miles auto, 552.

Bertie County

Miss Addie Sue Harry of Bertie County entertained the Commissioners on the first Monday.

Plain sewing is the main feature of the work in Bertie County at present. The girls are making plain underwear and school dresses, laying a good foundation for broader work later. Millinery is to be taken up in connection with sewing. All day meetings have been planned for this. Miss Harry reports that a small County Council has been organized in Bertie. This is the 11th Council organized in the Tidewater District.

The Windsor Ledger cooperates with Miss Harry. A column on the front page has been given for the use of the Home Agent.

Field days, 16; office days, 8; clubs visited, 10; attendance, 94; meetings held and attended, 15; attendance, 481; schools visited, 4; attendance, 390; homes visited, 11; conferences, 130; letters written, 124; circular letters, 38; bulletins sent, 24; articles sent for publication, 6; miles auto, 341.

From the front page of the Hertford County Herald, Ahoskie, N.C., Friday, Oct. 12, 1923

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