Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Kiwanis Furnishes Money and Local Military Company Repairs Road, Oct. 3, 1923

Club Furnishes the Money and the Guardsmen Did the Work

At a recent meeting of the Kiwanis Club here, something like $100 was raised for fixing the holes in the road below the railroad crossing between the Wilkesboros.

The members of the local military company agreed to do the work if the money for material and machinery was furnished at the request of Capt. J.C. Smoot, and last Saturday the company was present, during the day the travel being diverted by the roller mill, the material delivered, the holes cut out, re-filled with rock and coal tar and steam-rollered, and the traffic diverted really only about half the day.

The company is to be congratulated upon its promptness.

From the front page of the North Wilkesboro Hustler, Oct. 3, 1923

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