Friday, October 13, 2023

Miss Mamie Pickard Weds Grady Leonard, Sept. 13, 1923

Miss Pickard Married. . . Weds Grady Leonard at Home on McCauley Street

Miss Mamie Pickard, daughter of Mrs. S.M. Pickard, was married to Grady Leonard in her home on McCauley street Saturday. Rev. B.J. Howard of the Christian church performed the ceremony. The bride wore a beaded dress of gray flat crepe and carried a bouquet of roses and ferns. Her sister, Miss Maggie Pickard, the maid of honor, wore navy blue satin crepe, and the dresses of the bridesmaids, Misses Grace Neville and Rachel Fowler, were of Spanish lace and Canton crepe. P.R. Perry Jr., in a suit of white linen, carried the ring in a rose. Miss Annie Lee Webb played Lohengrin’s wedding march. The groomsmen were Glenn Sykes of Chapel Hill, Bruce Brooks of Greensboro, and L.P. Poythress of Charlotte.

Miss Pickard is a graduate of Elon College and has been in a position in one of the University offices. Mr. Leonard graduated from the University in June, and since then has been engaged in Y.M.C.A. work.

The couple are spending their honeymoon in Western North Carolina.

From the front page of the Chapel Hill Weekly, Sept. 13, 1923

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