Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Shopping for Goods and Services in Murfreesboro and Surrounding Area, Oct. 11, 1923


R. Sewell, Headquarters for fancy groceries

Sewell House, R. Sewell, Proprietor. First class accommodations, good auto livery attached

E.N. Evans, Dry Goods, notions, shoes, hats, etc. “The Cash Store”

Chowan College, A College for Women, Established 1848

Wynn Bros., Murfreesboro’s Greatest Store, Extends a cordial invitation to all students and friends of Chowan.

Classified Ads


E.H. Nicholson, Drugs, Toilet Articles, Stationery, Candies and Up-to-Date Soda Fountain

A bank book is an important text book. Start today: The Peoples Bank, Murfreesboro, N.C.


Citizens Insurance & Realty Co., Ahoskie, N.C. We write all kinds of surety bonds—rain, fire, automobile, hail, tornado

Copeland Drug Co., The Rexall Store, Ahoskie—Our next big 1-cent sale, Oct. 25-27


Miss Naomi T. Wiggins, Fine millinery

Murfreesboro Grocery Co., “The Sanitary Grocery Store”, E.A. Davenport, owner and manager

J.N. Vann & Bro., The Hardware House, Ahoskie, N.C.

Come to Underwood Bros., staple and fancy groceries, furniture

Barnes-Sawyer Grocery Co., Ahoskie, N.C.


Murfreesboro’s Largest Bank, the only national bank in Hertford and Northampton Counties. First National Bank, J.A. Campbell, president; R.C. Benthall, 1st vice pres.; J.J. White, 2nd vice pres.; Chas. R. Storey, cashier; Geo. H. Campbell, assistant cashier

Nicholson & Copeland Drug Company, W.H. Copeland, Manager; at W.J. Futrell’s Stand; We carry a complete line of patent medicines, toilet articles, stationery, cigars, cigarettes, soft drinks, Velvet kind ice cream; Norris and Whitman candies in stock.


Go to U. Vaughan’s for dry goods, notions, shoes, clothing, hats, hardware, crockery, etc.

Patronize the Tarboro Steam Laundry. We do the College washing. Basket leaves the College every Tuesday.

C.H. Chamberlan, dentist, office in the First National Bank Building

Winston & Matthews, lawyers, Rooms 1 and 3 in Winston Building, Windsor, N.C.

David Collin Barnes, attorney-at-Law, Practice in all Courts

$5 Enrolls You in the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. Hertford Motor Company, Murfreesboro

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