Saturday, October 14, 2023

Social Notes from Creedmoor, Morrisville, Chapel Hill, Mebane, Roxboro, Oct. 14, 1923

State Society


Creedmoor, Oct. 12—Prof. John M. Hargett of the high school faculty spent last week-end at his home, Trenton, in Jones county.

Mrs. B.T. Harris and her son, Roy, spent Sunday with Mrs. Harris’ mother, Mrs. Crews, at her home near Tar River.

Miss Gattis, a teacher in the Creedmoor graded school, spent last week-end in Chapel Hill with friends.

Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Cozart visited Sunday their daughter, Miss Claire Cozart, who is a student at N.C.C.W. in Greensboro this session.

Prof. Ralph R. Aiken of Northside was a visitor in town on Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Morgan, Misses Eleanor Morgan, and Simpkins spent last week-end with relatives in Knightdale.

Miss Whitaker has gone to Benson to visit her sister, Mrs. J.C. Warren, for several days.

Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Howard, Misses Emma Meadows and Hallie Woods of Oxford spent last Sunday in town as guests of Mrs. Hallie Lyon.

Mrs. I.M. Winston and her daughter, Miss Minnie Winston, are spending several weeks in Wake Forest with Mrs. Winston’s daughters, Mesdames J.T. Sherron and M.Z. Pearce.

Thomas Harris, Wilbur Whitfield and Reed Crews spent last week-end in Durham with relatives and friends.

Mrs. I.W. Bullock and son, O.A. Aiken, went to Greensboro last … (line obscured)…at N.C.C.W.



Morrisville, Oct. 12—Mrs. C.O. Jones of Morrisville went to Durham Tuesday to visit her son, M.J. Riggsbee.

Mrs. Alice Carroll went to Raleigh Wednesday to spend a few days with Elbert Carroll’s family.

Mrs. Lillie Wilkins of Wendell spent a few days with her brother, W.T. Hall.

Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Butts, their daughter Reba and also their son Ralph spent Wednesday in Durham shopping.

Mrs. John Jones of Durham, who has been visiting Mrs. Zannie Calvin, returned home Thursday.

E.W. Clements and daughter, Miss Rebecca Clements, went to Raleigh Wednesday to see Miss Edith Clements, who is at the Mary Elizabeth hospital for an operation.

Miss N.J. Markham of East Durham has been visiting friends here for the past week.

Mr. Isaacs of Zebulon is here for a few days.

J.D. Markham and H.C. Markham have been to Milburnie this week visiting their sister, Mrs. Sion King.

Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Atkins of Durham passed through town Thursday evening and stopped with Mrs. Emma Page for a while.

Master Louis Maynard Warlock of Durham is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Mollie Maynard.

Mr. and Mrs. M.B. Brisson of Raleigh spent Friday with Dr. and Mrs. A.E. Riggsbee.

Mr. and Mrs. William Carlton of East Durham were in town Friday.

Supervisor Scoggins and Mrs. Scoggins spent Friday here with Miss Olympia Parham.

Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Pruett of Durham spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wike.

Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Maynard spent Friday night in Durham with Mr. and Mrs. Warlick.

Misses Lessie Pugh, Bessie Olive and Mollie Goodwin spent Friday in Raleigh shopping.

Miss Vorrie Maynard of Raleigh has returned home after spending several days with Mrs. E.M. Ellis.


Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill, Oct. 12—Mrs. Aubry Lloyd of Greensboro is here on a visit to relatives and friends.

Mrs. C.G. Garrett has returned to her home after a week’s visit to her mother in Rockingham.

Dr. R.Z. Query, who lives near Charlotte, spent Sunday here with his father-in-law, J.M. Cheek.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown of Spray were week-end visitors in town at the home of Mrs. Brown’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.W. Andrews.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ivey Moore, who were recently married in North Wilkesboro, are in Chapel Hill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Smithy.

Mrs. J.H. McDowell of Shelby has arrived to act as matron for the Sigma Chi fraternity.

Peck Norris, an alumnus of the University, passed through town last week in route to Florida, where he will practice medicine, having completed his course in Philadelphia.

Miss Norma Stewart of Greensboro, who is now enjoying a vacation from her work as secretary to the American Minister in Cuba, spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Myer.

The Chi Omega sorority has hostess last week at a tea in honor of the members and patronesses of the Phi Beta Phi. Mrs. R.E. Coker, patroness of the Chi Omega, entertained the members of that sorority again at a delightful dance on Friday evening.



Mebane, Oct. 12—R.W. Vincent spent last week in Atlanta, Ga.

Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Fitch motored to Durham and Chapel Hill last week to visit their son, who is a student at the University.

Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Ross were visitors in Burlington last week-end.

Mrs. H.A. Smith and her little daughter, of Norfolk, Va., have returned to their home after a visit to Mrs. J.B. Setzer.

W.E. White arrived in New York last Friday and will come to Mebane some time during the first part of the week.

Mrs. L.E. Kluttz of Greensboro has arrived to be the guest of Mrs. G.E. Holt.

Miss Myrtle Mebane of South Boston, Va., is spending some time here with her sister, Mrs. Arthur N. Scott.

Richard Anderson of Roanoke, Va., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Woods at their home near here.

Mrs. Sandy Woods returned last week to Roanoke, Va., after spending some time here with Mr. Woods’ parents.

Mr. R.W. Hardee has gone to Kinston to spend several days with Mrs. G.W. Hardee.

Miss Bessie Berry has gone to Orange county, where she will teach this session.

Lunsford Yearby, who is a student at Trinity college this session, spent last week-end here with his parents.

Mrs. James Foreman of Burlington returned to her home last week after a visit to Mrs. Everett Sykes.

Miss Effie Boon of Durham is spending several days at her home here.

Mrs. M.J. McFarland spent last week-end in Hillsboro as the guest of Mrs. Cora Steward.

Mrs. A.C. Thompson was hostess Wednesday to the Book club. The rooms were very prettily decorated with ferns, dahlias, and other autumn flowers. Seven tables were arranged for rook. After the games, refreshments were served the guests.

Little Miss Montest Smith entertained a number of her little friends on Saturday afternoon in honor of her 7th birthday. After playing games for some time the little folk were invited into the dining room,w here they were served ice cream, cake and candies. The decorations carried out the color scheme of pink and white and the birthday cake stood in the center of the table.

Mrs. Lewis E. Greenleaf was hostess on Thursday afternoon to the Bridge club. The decorations consisted of a pretty arrangement of flowers which made an attractive background for the tables which had been arranged for bridge. After a number of games had been enjoyed, the guests were served a delicious salad course with cheese sandwiches, beaten biscuits and coffee.



Roxboro, Oct. 12—Merrimon Burns, who is teaching this session in the Winston-Salem high school, spent last week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Burns.

Rev. W.O. Sample attended the meeting of the Orange Presbytery in Burlington last week.

Mrs. A.M. Burns spent several days last week in Raleigh. Mrs. Burns were accompanied home by her sister, Mrs. C.L. Greaves.

Miss Thelma Clayton has gone to Durham to enter a business school.

Miss Elizabeth Noell has gone to Mt. Gilead to spend several days with friends. From there she will go to Atlanta, Ga., to visit a former school friend, Mrs. Hazle Harward McGhee.

Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Clary, Elridge Clary of Greensboro, and Mrs. W.L. Roddy of Rock Hill, S.C., spent last Monday with Mrs. J.W. Noell. The party was on the way to New York City.

Miss Marion DeVlaming of Meredith college spent last week-end here with her mother.

Miss Mary Lee Crowell has returned home from an extended visit to relatives in South Carolina.

Miss Ethel Daniel of Oxford visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Daniel last week.

Lawrence Allgood, who is a student at N.C. State college this session, was here for last week-end with his parents.

Miss Carrie Wagstaff has gone to Wilson, where she will teach in a rural school near there.

Dr. and Mrs. B.R. Long and their son, Master Bill Long, of Greensboro, spent several days here last week.

Mrs. E.E. Bradsher and little baby are spending a week in Greensboro, spent several days here last week.

Mrs. M.A. Atkins of Mayo, Va., is visiting Mrs. J.J. Barrett, near Hurdle Mills.

Mrs. J.A. Beam was hostess to the Study club on Thursday afternoon with a large and enthusiastic attendance. Mrs. B.G. Clayton led the study of Switzerland and Mrs. Beam read a beautiful description of one of the Swiss mountains which was one of Stoddards lectures. At the close of the afternoon’s program the hostess served (rest of item is obscured).

Mrs. T.B. Woody delightfully entertained the Bridge club on Wednesday afternoon. The rooms were tables were arranged for bridge were very attractive with a wealth of autumn flowers. After many progressions had been enjoyed, the hostess served her guests a delicious salad course with iced tea.

The first meeting of the Book club was held on Friday afternoon with Mrs. B.E. Love. The home was prettily decorated with baskets and bowls of Autumn flowers. Four tables were arranged for rook and several interesting games were enjoyed during the afternoon. After cards the hostess served a salad course with punch.

The Research club met on Wednesday with Mrs. S.G. Winstead, this being the first meeting since the summer recess. The study for the afternoon was Ibsen. Mesdames Burns and Beam read papers and Doll’s House and Ghosts were discussed. This year the club will take up the University Extension course of Modern Drama. After the program, Mrs. Winstead served a salad course with iced tea to the members who were present.

From page 15 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Oct. 14, 1923

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