Sunday, May 5, 2024

Albemarle High School Debaters Compete in Chapel Hill, April 10, 1924

And to Chapel Hill We Went

By Rachael Huneycutt

and to Chapel Hill we went! After the affirmative team, composed of Louise Greene and Ray Ballard, winning over China Grove at Spencer, and the negative team, composed of Rachael Huneycutt and Robert Efird winning over Spencer and Chin a Grove. Much enthusiams was felt over the trip to Chapel Hill, being an actual event of the future, when it had been only aspirations before.

On Thursday, April 10, at 9 o’clock we started through the country for Chapel Hill; Mr. Beam taking Ray Ballard, Robert Efird and Roy Whitley, alternate for the affirmative; and Lee Boyette, alternative for the negative, takin in his car Mrs. P.J. Huneycutt as chaperone, Louise Greene and Rachael Huneycutt. After an uneventful, though rainy, muddy and “skiddy” trip, we reached Chapel Hill with safety about 1:30.

On locating some Albemarle boys they escorted us to the Y.M.C.A. building where we were to meet Mr. Beam. But no Mr. Beam. Hunger getting the best o fus caused the next thing on the program to be our search for a café. Just after giving order the object of our search (Mr. Beam) appeared.

Having gotten lost on the way,

Caused all the delay.

We had been notified of being assigned to the home of Mrs. Clarence Wills, who so hospitably entertained us during our entire stay.

Thursday night at 7:00 o’clock the primary debates were held. The affirmative debated in the Saunders building, Aberdeen and Bessemer being the two winners in that hall. The negative debated in the Medical building, Wilson and Shelby being the winners in this hall.

So Friday there was very little for our crowd to do except “have a good time” and make the best of the rain and famous “Chapel Hill mud.” However, “our boys” at Chapel Hill did cause the sin to shine in the way of giving us a good time.

Friday night we went to the Memorial Hall to hear the finals, previous to which the band concert was thoroughly enjoyed, and especially by our crowd, since Mr. Lonnie Sides, a Stanly county man, is director of the Carolina Band, which is considered one of the best in the state; and also because several of “our boys” are members of this band. No doubt Ray Ballard was the only debater having the honor to play in the Carolina band that night. After some humorous remarks about the “annual debaters rain fall” and the “mud of Chapel Hill being difficult mud since it was educated mud,” and introduction by President Chase we thoroughly enjoyed the negative debate of Durham and the affirmative debate of Wilson. Wilson being the successful contestants.

After the debate the debaters were given a reception at the Library Building.

We left Chapel Hill at 9:30 Saturday morning and arrived home safely about 2:30 o’clock with a renewed interest in debates and a resolution to bringing back the cup next year.

From page 8 of The Midget, Albemarle High School, May 1, 1924

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