Sunday, May 5, 2024

Last Will and Testament, Class of '24, Albemarle High School

Last Will and Testament of Class of 1924

We, the Senior Class of 1924, having reached at last the much desired and much-coveted position of Seniorhood, do hereby declare this to be our last will and testament, hereby revoking and making void all former wills made by us at any time heretofore made

Such estate as it has pleased the fates to give us, we do dispose of the same as follows:

Article 1.—I, Sam Horton, do bequeath my ability to manage Miss Leach to Lee Boyett.

Article 2.—I, Ruth Burleson, do will my sylph-like figure to Pauline Ingram.

Article 3.—I, Robert Patterson, do hereby will my military bearing to Robert Efird.

Article 4.—I, Arthur Harris, do hereby bequeath my declamatory powers to Delmar Turner.

Article 5.—I, Robert Cranford, do will my musical talent to Eddie Crisco.

Article 6.—I, Marguerite Whitley, do hereby will my modesty to Nell Snuggs, hoping that it will aid her in vamping the wood-be bashful members of the tenth grade. It might work better than kisses.

Article 7.—I, Harley Rowland, do will my highly cultivated voice to Grover Thompson.

Article 8.—I, Ruth Burleson, do will my dates and automobile rides to Creelman Rowland, knowing they will be of a great advantage to her in her short story writing.

Article 9.—I, Drewery Moore, do hereby bequeath my pranks to Ernest Wheatley.

Article 10.—I, Betsy King, do hereby will my right to talk on Geometry Class to Louise Parker.

Article 11.—I, Robert Patterson, do hereby will my ability to bluff on English to Nell Snuggs.

Article 12.—We, the senior Class, do will the courtship of Elsie Burnette and James McLaughlin to Gladys Doby and Eddie Crisco.

Article 13.—I, Margaret Ellen Patterson, do will my Mary Pickford looks to Inice Smith.

Article 14.—I, Dan Boger, to hereby bequeath my ability to get stuck and have to spend a whole night out on the road, my only pillow being an auto cushion and worse than that had to come in one-half day late at school and make up the time lost. All these I do will to Jack Skidmore.

Article 15.—I, Dewey Fesperman, do will my knack at doing nothing with ease and grace to David Boaz, hoping it will add much to his dignity in his Senior year.

Article 16.–I, Margaret Ellen Patterson, do hereby bequeath my inexhaustible supply of giggles to Louise Swanner and Lois you may giggle at least once a month without using up the supply.

Article 17.—I, Louise Green, do will my debating ability to Martha Austin, hoping she will go over to Chapel Hill next spring and bring home the cup.

Article 18.—We, Ellen Huckabee and Mary Davis, do bequeath our intense interest in the Midget to George Snuggs and Louise Parker, hoping that George will enjoy getting ads for the Midget.

Article 19.—To the Tenth Grade we, the Senior Class, do bequeath a special room to hold the various members of the Algebra Class who are “expelled” during Miss Leach’s period.

Article 20.—To the Ninth Grade, we bequeath the picture of the English poets that it may balance well with the American statesmen which they “swiped” from us last fall.

Article 21.—To Jack Snuggs and Joe Kluttz we do bequeath the position of clearing the grounds for the new school building.

To Miss Scarboro’s section we bequeath a copy of “Sweet and Low” to be sung especially on Friday afternoon when they have no program prepared. It might prevent from having to word (work?) extra algebra.

Article 22.—To Mrs. Laudemann we do give over all her evenings to her husband to be used a la Laudemann mode, now that Senior practices are over.

Article 23.—To Mr. Beam we do leave a copy of “Smiles” asking tha the use them more often next year.

Article 24.—To Mr. Miller we do will all the scientific achievement of the girls of the Physics class.

Article 25.—To Miss Smith our real admiration for her patience since she has never scolded us once.

Article 26.—To Miss Leach we do leave a pointer to be used instead of the various sticks we have seen her carry around in regular Roosevelt fashion.

Article 27.—To Miss Scarboro we do bequeath this “Bill” for playing tennis and since it is near the first of the month we wish ours to be in on time.

From page 5 of The Midget, Albemarle High School, May 1, 1924

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