Friday, July 5, 2024

Wade Phillips Candidate for Head of N.C. American Legion, July 5, 1924

Phillips Is Candidate for State Commander. . . Lexington Man Has Backing of His Post as Head of Legion in North Carolina

Concord members of the American Legion have received word that Wade H. Phillips of Lexington will be a candidate for commander of the state department of the Legion to succeed Wiley C. Rodman of Washington.

The election will be held at the annual meeting of the Legion in Asheville September 1 and 2.

Phillips has the solid backing of his won post at Lexington, which has already organized itself for campaign purposes. It has sent out a letter announcing the Phillips candidacy in the following terms:

“Lexington post No. 8 desires to present the name of Wade H. Phillips for state commander.

“Mr. Phillis, we believe, is remarkably well qualified for the duties of this important position. Beginning in 1919 as our first post commander here, he helped organize the state department of North Carolina and has attended all of the State conventions, except one when he was overseas. He served as a delegate to three national conventions. He was national committeeman for one year, and attended the session of that committee during the critical days of the soldiers’ compensation bill. In 1921, at a considerable sacrifice of time and money, he represented North Carolina in the American Legion tour of France and Belgium. We believe Mr. Phillips’ knowledge of legion affairs gained from service rendered as above will be of great use to the department of North Carolina

. “Mr. Phillips served in the 30th division overseas and also served in the judge advocate’s department, and for 20 years before ethe world war he served his state as a member of the national guard.”

From page 2 of the Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, July 5, 1924

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