Sunday, May 2, 2021

Lewis Burwell to be President of Charlotte Rotary Club, May 2, 1921

Lewis R. Burwell to be Inaugurated

Lewis R. Burwell will be inaugurated president of the Charlotte Rotary Club at the Tuesday luncheon in the dining room of the Southern Manufacturers' Club. Retiring President J. Perrin Quarles will turn over "the reins of government" to Mr. Burwell at this time, and he will assume the leadership of the organization.

Rev. E.A. Penick Jr. has sent out a notice to all Rotarians requesting them to be on hand for the event. "The beginning of the new regime is like New Year's Day," writes Mr. Penick. "It is the hour for good resolutions. Have you been coming irregularly? Repent." His letter about the inauguration reads in part as follows: "It took a brass band to retire Perrin Quarles into private life last week, but being a good president he deserved a loud send-off. 'The king is dead; long live the king.' (I never did know what this meant, but it sounds all right just here).

"Next Tuesday Lewis the First ascends the throne. I've got my presidents and kings all mixed up, but the idea is that we are going to witness some sort of inauguration or coronation ceremony that would do credit to the days when knighthood was in flower. Let's hail his incoming majesty with full attendance."

From The Charlotte News, May 2, 1921

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