Tuesday, November 8, 2022

American Legion Auxiliary Hosts Armistice Day Feast, Nov. 8, 1922

Plan Barbecue for Ex-Service Men. . . American Legion Auxiliary to Give Feast Armistice Day

Every ex-service man in Wake county is invited to a free barbecue to be given under the direction of the Raleigh Unit No. 1, American Legion Auxiliary, at 12 o’clock in Raleigh on Armistice Day, Saturday, November 11th.

There will be other features to commemorate this day, but the barbecue is the head liner for the occasion. At 11:30 a.m. every ex-service man will meet in the Capitol Square grounds, where admission badges will be presented to the men, and the parade will then be formed.

Each Legion post in Wake county is expected to march to the barbecue in a body, and the responsibility of seeing that every veteran in the immediate territory is notified has been placed on these Posts.

There will be possibly at least two bands to furnish music for this occasion. It is expected that the Cary band will also be on hand. R.D. Brown, a bugler in the World War, and a member of an American Legion post at Arcadia, Florida, who is visiting Raleigh, will play again the distinctive airs of the army, including the mess call.

There is to be a four year reunion of ex-service men in Wake county. The Woman’s Auxiliary has arranged a barbecue that will be equal, if not the superior of the last year’s feast, and it is especially anxious that every World War Veteran in Wake County come to this celebration.

From the Raleigh News & Observer, Nov. 8, 1922

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