Sunday, November 13, 2022

Charlie Myers Sentenced to Roads; Additional Charge Pending, Nov. 13, 1922

Five Cases Against Charlie Myers, Col. . . Road Sentences Totaling 20 Months Imposed in Three of the Charges

Charlie Myers, colored, faced five separate charges in the municipal court this morning. He drew three road sentences totaling 20 months and was bound over to the December term of superior court in one case that did not come under the jurisdiction of the lower court. Another case was continued.

The negro’s troubles began when he took O.L. Fisher’s Winton Six automobile out of the garage Sunday evening and then “tanked” up on whiskey. Out on “The Pond” he got into some trouble and shot Fred Howard, a 14-year-old colored boy, in the leg, breaking the bone in several places. The boy was unable to appear in court this morning and the case was continued.

On the charge of temporary larceny of the car, Myers was bound over. For operating the car while under the influence of whiskey, he was sentenced to serve six months on the roads, and for carrying the pistol with which he is alleged to have shot the boy, he was given six months.

After the negro’s arrest yesterday he was identified by George Timlic, colored, as the man that shot him about six weeks ago. Timlic said he was trying to part Myers and another negro when the shot was fired. A sentence of eight months on the roads was imposed in this case.

Myers has a long police court record for larceny and for fighting. He made no defense this morning, appearing without an attorney.

From the Twin City Sentinel, Winston-Salem, N.C., Nov. 13, 1922

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