Tuesday, July 11, 2023

2,200 Sign Up for Live-at-Home Plan for Farmers, July 11, 1923

The Farm Program

Two thousand two hundred North Carolina farmers have signed a pledge to adhere strictly to certain fundamental things in successful farming in 1923.

Ten provisions are enumerated and these 10 provisions make a mighty fine schedule for almost any farmer any where to follow. They are:

1. Raise enough corn and hay to carry me through 1924.

2. Raise enough meat to supply my family this year.

3. Have a 12-months-in-the-year garden.

4. Provide milk and butter for family the whole year.

5. Keep an average of 30 hens on the farm.

6. Improve orchards by setting out trees and berries.

7. Plant legumes and other soil-enriching crops.

8. Enroll at least one child in club work.

9. Add some home convenience.

10. Beautify the homestead.

This is a good program. It was drawn up by a man who knows farming and who thinks. There is probably no community in the south where the same program if carried out would not prove profitable. If the 2,200 North Carolina farmers who have signed the agreement will live up to it, they will be far ahead of their less far-sighted neighbors in a few years.

From the Gastonia Gazette as reprinted in The University of North Carolina News Letter, Chapel Hill, N.C., July 11, 1923

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