Sunday, July 9, 2023

Arrests in Durham Saturday, July 7, 1923, for Violating Liquor Laws, Fighting, Gambling

Find 20 Gallons in Negro’s House. . . 16 Arrests Made Saturday by Members of Police Department

Twenty gallons of whiskey were seized Saturday on the premises of Gillie Riley, negro, by Constable A.M. Maddry and members of the police department. The negro was arrested and placed under a bond of $500 for his appearance in recorder’s court Monday morning.

Fifteen other arrests were made by Durham officers Saturday, several for violations of liquor laws, others for fighting, and still others for gambling.

Arrests were made as follows:

Willie Hagen, colored, assault and battery, gave $10 bond for appearance.

J.W. Burroughs, violating traffic law, cited to court.

Norwood Mims, charged with vagrancy and violating liquor law, cited to court on first charge, made to give bond of $50 for appearance on second.

Louis Goode, colored, speeding, $10 bond required.

Bessie Parker, negress, violating liquor law, gave cash bond of $95.

Huston Stanes, negro, speeding automobile, cited to court.

Hubert Hapis, assault and battery with a deadly weapon.

Horace Powell, violating liquor law.

Nora Tinnen, violating liquor law.

Fred Thomas, gambling; James Fenpell, gambling; and Hubert Ray, gambling.

Harris Ellerby, charged with assault and battery.

J.J. Smith, merchant, displaying goods on the sidewalk.

John Parham, driving automobile while intoxicated.

Thurman Scott, speeding automobile.

From the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, July 8, 1923

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