Sunday, October 1, 2023

Reidsville High School Football Team Beats Danville, Oct. 1, 1923

Reidsville High Beats Danville

Playing straight football throughout the local high school 11 defeated Danville highs here Saturday afternoon by a 7 to 6 score. Pettigrew and Delancy starred for the locals while Wilson and Taylor were spotlights for the visitors.

After a series of line plunges in the second period of play, Delancey carried the ball over the goal line for Reidsville for the first touchdown of the game. The extra point was added when Miller kicked the ball over the crossbar from placement. Wilson secured the touchdown for Danville in the third quarter, but the visitors failed to add the extra point.

From the front page of The Reidsville Review, Monday, Oct. 1, 1923

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