Tuesday, October 10, 2023

University Cafeteria Installs $500 Radio, Oct. 10, 1923

FRIENDLY CAFETERIA, which replaced the University Cafeteria (photo taken in 1930s)

Nick Installs New Radio in Cafeteria

Nocturnal patrons of Nick’s Cafeteria will soon be provided with a real treat—a new $500 radio, purchased from the Durham Public Service Company. Students will be able to sip soup and munch sandwiches in leisurely comfort while they listen to fight returns, football games, reports, concerts, sermons, and speeches by well known men.

The major portion of the radio is now in Durham awaiting shipment to Chapel Hill. Nick expects to assemble the apparatus Friday, and the first concert will be given during the latter part of the week. Connections can be made with the main southern stations at Charlotte and Atlanta.

Nick professes his ignorance of radio technique, but intends to operate it himself.

From page 4 of the Tar Heel, Chapel Hill’s Student newspaper, Wednesday, Oct. 10, 1923. $500 in 1923 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $7,648. 60 today (Oct. 2023)

From openorangenc.org/buildings/163-e-franklin-st (accessed Oct. 10, 2023): 163 East Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, N.C., is a brick building built in late 1929 or early 1930 on the location of an earlier commercial structure that was destroyed by fire. The Cobb family owned this building for many decades (maybe still do?).

The building was first occupied by University Cafeteria, soon renamed the Friendly Cafeteria, then within a few years (by 1933) it was renamed the Crescent Cafeteria and then the N.C. Cafeteria. The following is the interior of Friendly Cafeteria taken in the 1930s (via Chapel Hill Historical Society).

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