Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Miss Rockwell Joins Chapel Hill's Bureau of Community Drama, Oct. 10, 1923

Miss Rockwell Added to Bureau of Drama

Miss Ethel Theodoro Rockwell, a Dramatic Director of wide experience, has been added to the staff of the Bureau of Community Drama of the University, according to announcement by Prof. Frederick H. Kock, director of the bureau. Miss Rockwell succeeds Miss Elizabeth Taylor, who is now doing professional work in New York City.

The new Dramatic Director is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin and a charter member of the Dramatic Society of that state. During the past 10 years she has been the author and director of more than a score of large community pageants and dramas. Her work has carried her into 12 different states, chiefly in the Middle West, where she has directed plays for high schools, colleges, women’s clubs, and similar organizations.

Among the productions directed by Miss Rockwell are: “The Star Spangled Banner Pageant,” with 2,500 characters at Madison, Wisconsin; “The Pageant of the Black Hawk Country,” with 1,800 characters, at Freeport, Ill.; “The Pageant of Beloit,” with 2,500 characters at Beloit, Wis.; “The Historical Pageant of Virginia,” given in 1922 at Richmond, where she served as State Dramatic Director and assistant director to Thomas Wood Stevens; “The Apostles of Light,” a pageant-drama which she wrote and produced for the Centenary Committee of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, presented at Nashville, Tenn., in 1923, and to be presented in several leading Southern cities at a later date; she is also the author of numerous other productions.

It is announced that Miss Rockwell’s services will be available to schools, communities, and clubs. Wherever practicable she will direct the complete production of a play; or she will assist in the final preparation for a performance, rehearsals, stage settings, demonstrations of make-up and other problems of production.

Miss Rockwell’s addition to the Bureau of Community Drama brings the staff of the Bureau up to four. Its present members are: Frederick H. Koch, Director; Anne M. Majette, assistant director; George V. Denny, manager; and Ethel Theodoro Rockwell, state representative.

From the front page of the Tar Heel, Chapel Hill’s Student newspaper, Wednesday, Oct. 10, 1923

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