Friday, August 30, 2024

Bahama Notes in the Durham Morning Herald, Aug. 31, 1924

Bahama Notes

On Wednesday evening at the Flat River bridge near the pump station, the Bahama Woman’s club gave a delightful picnic and weenie roast to about 50 invited guests. The evening was spent in boating, fishing, swimming and other amusements. At a suitable hour a bounteous supper which was prepared and carried for the occasion, was enjoyed by the crowd, Mrs. Evans, county demonstration agent, was present and took a lively part in making the affair most enjoyable. Much credit for the success of the occasion is due Mrs. H.L. Umstead, president of the club.


The Mangum township high school, a new building fitted with all modern conveniences, is being rapidly completed, and it is hoped that it will by the time that school opens next month. Mr. Holton of New Bern has been elected principal, and as all the teachers come highly recommended Bahama is looking forward to the best school year in its history.


Dr. Patric of Angier, who has been practicing medicine here for the past several weeks, has decided to locate here permanently. His family is expected to join him shortly.


Miss Margaret Umstead has returned home after a visit with relatives in Richmond.


Ira Sherman of Durham was here for a short while Thursday.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Aug. 31, 1924

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