Saturday, August 24, 2024

Burlington Notes in Durham Herald, Aug. 24, 1924

Burlington Notes

Mr. W.L. Cooper, Miss Florence Gray and two other chaperones and 19 girls and18 boys spent last week at Glade Valley in Alleghany county. The party was from the Alexandre Wilson high school district. They left Graham Monday in automobiles and spent the week in the dormitories of the Glade Valley school. A program was planned for each day and consisted of hikes, lectures, picnics, and other amusements. They report a pleasant and profitable trip.

Mr. J.J. Phillips of Lexington this week moved his family here from Lexington. He will be Manager of the new roller shop, a new industry that will soon open in East Burlington.

Rev. and Mrs. Martin W. Buck have returned from a month’s vacation trip. Mr. Buck visited his many relatives in New Jersey, while Mrs. Buck spent the time at Blowing Rock and other points in Western Carolina.

Mrs. J.H. Vernon, Mrs. R. Homer Andrews and Miss Virginia Johnston have this week returned from an extensive western trip, including the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone Park, Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Milwaukee They were away a month.

Mr. J.R. Rickard of Lexington becomes manager here this week of a branch of the Durham Life Insurance company, succeeding Mr. C.R. Dennis, who goes to Lexington.

From page 2 of the Sunday Durham Herald, Aug. 24, 1924

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