Friday, August 23, 2024

Trial of John Leak and Kenneth Hale Goes to Jury, Aug. 23, 1924

Leak and Hale Case to Close. . . Fate of Alleged Murderers to Go to Jury Soon

Lexington, N.C., Aug. 22—The fate of John Leak and Kenneth Hale, negroes, charged with the murder of Charles Garwood, taxi driver, on the night of August 7, will be with a Davidson county jury shortly, it attorneys was predicted today at the close of the session of court. Three of the five arguments by attorneys for both sides had been concluded at adjournment.

In the absence of the jury, after all testimony was in, the defendants made a motion for a nonsult, which was overruled by Judge Bryson. The addresses to the jury then commenced. Solicitor Spruill will make the closing address for the state tomorrow morning and will be followed by Mr. Mott and D.L. Salisbury, of the defense, who will close the arguments.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Aug. 23, 1924

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