Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Floyd Bennett Charged with Kidnapping and Seducing Miss Loretta Lawing, Aug. 29, 1924

Floyd Bennett Goes on Trial, Charlotte. . . He Is Charged with Kidnapping and Seducing Miss Loretta Lawing of Charlotte

Charlotte, Aug. 28—Floyd Herman Bennett, young white man, went on trial in Mecklenburg superior court this afternoon on charges of seduction under promise of marriage and kidnapping Miss Loretta Lawing, pretty young daughter of J.T.A. Lawing, Charlotte mattress manufacturer, being the prosecuting witness.

Selection of a jury was completed in short order after the trial opened and during the afternoon the state put on a number of witnesses in an effort to prove a good character for Miss Lawing. Miss Lawing probably will go on the stand early tomorrow morning.

Attorneys tonight said that all testimony would be short and indicated that the case might go to the jury late tomorrow.

Bennett is charged with taking Miss Lawing to Raleigh and High Point, deserting her at the latter place, after, she alleges, he persuaded her to leave home on a plea that they be married. The grand jury earlier in the week returned a true bill against Bennett, charging him with kidnapping and with seduction under promise of marriage It is on these counts that he is being tried.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Friday, August 29, 1924

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