Thursday, August 29, 2024

H.O. Thompson Recovering from Assault, Aug. 30, 1924

Thompson’s Condition Continues to Improve. . . Man Who Was Assaulted and Robbed by Two Negroes Has More than Even Chance to Recover

Improvement is reported again today in the condition of H.O. Thompson, manager of a local filling station, who was robbed and assaulted while at his work Wednesday at noon. Mr. Thompson has been suffering from concussion as a result of a blow two negroes gave him before robbing him.

Local police officers have received no clues that might aid them in their search for the negroes. Officers throughout the State have been asked to keep a watch for the negroes, who were driving a ford sedan with a Tennessee license but so far nothing ahs been seen of them so far as local officers know.

The negroes robbed Thompson of more than $50 after knocking him unconscious. They committed the robbery after entering the filling station and asking Thompson to sell them an inner tube. While he was in the act of picking up the tube, one of the negroes struck him on the head.

Attending physicians are confident now that Thompson will recover.

From page 2 of the Concord Daily Tribune, Friday, August 30, 1924

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