Friday, August 30, 2024

Spanish-American Vets' Reunion, Aug. 31, 1924

Spanish-American Veterans to Meet Monday Morning. . . Joe Armfield Camp Will Hold Annual Reunion at Grove Park Monday. . . Good Time in Store. . . Around 40 Veterans, Their Wives, Daughters, Sisters and Specially Invited Guests to Attend

Around 40 veterans of the Spanish-American war will gather Monday at Grove Park for their annual reunion, and around the festive board and throughout the entire day reminiscences of the battles in which they fought and of their camp life will be in order. The program and entertainment committees have been hard at work for the past several week getting everything in readiness for the looked-for event.

Members of the Joe Armfield camp No. 3 will arrived Sunday night and Monday morning from several sections of this state with one or two coming from other states in order that they might attend the reunion.

Monday morning a business session will be held and at noon a real barbecue and Brunswick stew dinner will be served for the veterans, their wives, and specially invited guests. Another business session will be held in the afternoon. Fun will also form a part of the program, giving the reunion something in addition to business and eating.

The following letter was mailed out to the members of the camp informing them of the reunion:

To Barbecue Hungry Spanish-American War Veterans

We are looking for you and your madam, daughter or sister, at Grove Park on Labor Day, the first of September, Monday, and there is going to be a pot of Brunswick and a well-cooked pig there for your delection, and there will be all the old vets, including John Cagle, Captain Ed White, Joe Caudle, Lovis Melvin and any of the other out-of-town boys that we can get. And there will be competitive drill burlesque in charge of Captain Ed White.

J.M. Saunders is the caterer and Col. “Scrappy” Bill Saunders, O.L. Durham and some of the other boys that you know that can cook will be in charge of the cooking—and you know it is going to be good. Don’t you?

By order of Col. J.C. Michie, Commander-in-Chief

Robert P. Hackney, Acting Assit. Adjutant General

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Aug. 31, 1924

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