Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Bostic News Column in Forest City Courier, Dec. 4, 1924

Bostic News

Misses Mattie and Glenn Harris spent Thanksgiving at home with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Harris of Nealsville.

Misses Jennie and Winnie Davis, Sibbie Bell and Hazel Stalnaker attended the party of Mrs. Buron Harrill, Friday night.

Miss Eunice Hollifield, who has been seriously ill, is improving, we are glad to note.

Mr. Boyce Blair, a student of the Appalachian Training School at Boone, spent Sunday at home.

Misses Margaret Harrill, Mae Smith and Mr. Grey Michael spent Sunday in Morganton visiting Miss Alyce Smith.

Mrs. W.F. Freeman entertained a number of her friends at a party at her home last Thursday night. Everyone enjoyed a delightful evening.

Misses Mossie Clemmer and Dorothy Hollifield are spending some time in Monroe. Miss Mattie Harriss is ill at this writing. We hope her a speedy recovery. We hope her a speedy recovery. Miss Eunice Hollifield is taking her place as teacher for this week.

Miss Katie Lou Smart spent Sunday in Bostic visiting Miss Eunice Hollifield.

Mrs. D.C. Martin and children spent Thanksgiving in Cherokee visiting her mother, Mrs. J.B. Thorne.

Messrs. Lewis Roberson, Robert Lee Harrill and Jack Hodge were present at the party at Mrs. Buron Harrill’s Friday night.

The Bostic basketball team defeated the Mt. Pleasant team in a game Monday afternoon, the score being 15 to 20.

Miss Martha Sloan spent last week-end at her home in Gastonia.

The Bostic school will give the play “The Perplexing Situation” on net Saturday night. The Boiling Springs Quartette will render several vocal and instrumental musical selections. Everybody welcome to come.

Miss Bryte Caslar of Sheby visited Miss Viola Hollifield last week.

Messrs. Lemuel Reed and Reece Harrill of Boiling Springs High School spent last week-end at home.

Mr. Robert Likens of Emory and Henry College of Virginia spent Thanksgiving at home.

From the front page of The Forest City Courier, Thursday, December 4, 1924


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