Sunday, December 22, 2024

Concord Children's Letters to Santa, Dec. 23, 1924

Dec. 19, 1924

Dear Santa Claus:

I will write you a few lines to let you know what I want you to bring me for Christmas. I want you to bring me a tricycle and some candy, apples, oranges, banana, and some nuts and raisins. I am a little boy six years old, and I want more things than I have asked for, but I will not be so greedy. So I will close.

Fred Cranford

Harrisonburg, N.C., R. 1.


Dear Santa Claus:

Please bring me a train, an automobile and some apples, nuts, oranges and candy.

Billy Howard

136 Vance St., Concord, N.C.


Dec. 19, 1924

Dear Santa Claus:

I am a little girl five years old and I would love for you to bring me a nice big doll and a little tub and wash board and all kinds of good things to eat. Don’t forget my baby brother. I want you to bring him a rubber ball and a rattler. I will close.

Willie Cranford

Harrisburg, N.C., Route 1.


Dec. 19, 1924

Dear Santa Claus:

I am a little girl three years old and I am looking for Santa Claus to come. I want him to bring me a nice big doll and a little tub and wash board and I want some candy and all kinds of fruits and some nuts. So I will close.

Estell Cranford

Harrisburg, N.C., R. 1


Dear Santa Claus:

Please bring me a baby doll and a tea set, some oranges, nuts and candy.

Seena Howard

136 Vance St., Concord, N.C.


Dear Santa Claus:

Please bring me a doll and a tea set, some nuts, oranges and candy.

Pearl Howard

136 Vance St., Concord, N.C.

From page 5 of The Concord Times, Monday, Dec. 22, 1924

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