Monday, December 2, 2024

Postal Employees Deserve Raise, Editor Says, Dec. 1, 1924

Pay Postal Employes

Many things will be crowded into the session of Congress which begins soon, but one matter should not be overlooked. We have reference to the bill granting an increase in pay to postal employes. It should not take much time to get this bill disposed of.

At the last session of Congress, a bill granting the increase was passed during the last days of the session. However, it was vetoed by the President and there was not enough time to pass it again over his veto.

The status of the bill is such now that it can be brought to Congress again without debate or new presentation. Congress can act now to override the veto. Action on the matter should be taken at once. There are some members of Congress who want to rewrite the bill so it will more nearly comply with certain things demanded by the Chief Executive. That can e done after the attempt to override the veto. It may not be necessary to rewrite it for we believe the measure and get enough support in Congress to be carried over the veto just as it stands now.

The postal employes deserve the increase in pay and we have heard no opposition to the bill. The general public realized that the men and women in the postal service are not getting all they deserve, and Congress is expected to remedy present conditions.

From the editorial page of The Concord Times, Monday, December 1, 1924. J.B. Sherrill, Editor and Publisher; W.M. Sherrill, Associate Editor.

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