Saturday, October 6, 2018

Wilson Needs Volunteers to Nurse Flu Patients, 1918

“Appeals for Nurses,” from The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Oct. 5, 1918

A volunteer organization for nursing the cases of Spanish Influenza in this city is being effected by Dr. L.J. Smith, and Mrs. J.E. Barrett, Secretary of the Associated Charities, reported that the number of cases of this disease is so great that her ability is being taxed to care for them with the present facilities.

For this purpose, Dr. Smith is calling for help saying the necessity is urgent, since there is a number of people who have not way of providing themselves with the necessary nursing. Volunteers, whether they have any knowledge of nursing or not, will be welcome and all who desire to help will report to him and he will assign them cases.

The physicians of the city and the health board are making strenuous effort to wipe out the disease from this section and therefore they are cooperating to the fullest extent and are asking the people to work with them. All cases should be reported at once to Dr. Smith that he may make a record of them and keep up with them.

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