Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Lt. Will Dunn Writes From London Hospital, 1918

From The Wilson Times, Dec. 31, 1918

Lieut. William H. Dunn Writes

The following letter from Lieutenant William H. Dunn to his mother, Mrs. Wiley J. Dunn, tells of his expected return to America. Lt. Dunn, who was commanding Co. K when wounded, has been in a hospital since Sept. 30th. He was wounded in the battle that broke the Hindenburg line.

London, Eng.
Dec. 5, 1918
My Dear Mother:

Just a few words. I received a letter from you today along with several more from home. They were the first I have had for some time. I have not written to you in about a week, for we have been expecting to go home every day but we are still here. The last report is that we are going Thursday week (Dec. 12th). I will come back to the States as a stretcher patient, for not only can’t I walk but I have to keep my foot up all the time. I will be glad to come back to the States any old way. I am tired of this country. I will have to have another operation when I get back to America, so the sooner I get back the sooner I am right again. I will be in the States any way, if nothing happens from now on. Tell everybody not to write to me any more unless you hear from me again. I will wire you just as soon as I get in hospital in the U.S.A.

With lots of love,

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