Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Cows Give Trouble on South Front Street, Nov. 16, 1921

Cows Give Trouble on South Front

Three determined negroes and a like number of obstinate cows furnished some excitement and considerable amusement on South Front Street this morning when the animals refused to be led any further and insisted upon selecting a route of their own.

The trouble started in front of the Meadows’ office. UP to that time everything had been progressing smoothly. The cows suddenly made a break in three different directions. One of them headed for Ellis’ coal yard, the second one tried to climb Mr. Lucas’ front steps, while a third decided to pay a visit to the Meadows’ office. The negroes shouted frantically and pulled back for all they were worth on the ropes. One of them was throwed down and was dragged several yards before he could regain his footing. Employees at the coal yard ran out to help them and finally succeeded in quieting the animals.

From The New Bern Sun Journal, Nov. 16, 1921

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