Monday, August 15, 2022

"Hard Times" Haven't Actually Been Too Hard, Says Editor, Aug. 15, 1922


There are 1,432,051 more autos registered in the U.S. than were registered this time last year.

How do you reconcile this big game with the “hard times” of the last 12 months? Admittedly, times have been none to prosperous. A few suffered acutely. But, compared with he panics of 1873 and 1893, our generation doesn’t know what real depression is. Luxuries have become such necessities that we are softened—wince at the least pain.

From the editorial page of The Western North Carolina Times, Aug. 15, 1922. E.W. Ewbank, contributing editor, C.A. Hobbs, associate editor, and W.S. Surrat, managing editor.

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