Saturday, August 6, 2022

J.L. Peake Given 30 Year Sentence for Murdering H.B. Ashburn, Aug. 5, 1922

Peake Sentenced to 30 Years

By the Associated Press

Winston-Salem, Aug. 5—J.L. Peake, convicted of murder on the second degree last night for killing H.B. Ashburn, local life insurance agent, in his office here on the night of December 7 last, was this morning sentenced by Judge Brock presiding over Forsyth superior court to 30 years at hard labor in the state penitentiary. That was the maximum sentence. No notice of appeal was given by Peake’s attorneys, who decided not to contest the sentence.

From the front page of The Hickory Daily Record, Saturday, Aug. 5, 1922

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