Thursday, August 4, 2022

P.H. Gwynn Wants to See Railroad Expansion in County, Aug. 4, 1922

Wants Reidsville to Get In On Railroad Talk

Editors, The Review:

How would it do for Reidsville to advocate a railroad from Reidsville via Wentworth to join the proposed road from Leaksville to Ridgeway, Va.?

Such a road could later be extended to Yanceyville and on the East, and in this way Reidsville would keep in close touch with our town and would have two roads through her limits if the N. & W. railway could be induced to operate that line.

The above is altogether within the bounds of possibility if the right sort of influence is brought to bear at the right time and in the right way.

It is worth considering in connection with the possibility of a railroad from this point to Madison. If Madison could go to Richmond by our place she would certainly become one of the most important towns in this section in the course of time.

Think the matter over, Mr. Editor, and you may come to the conclusion that the day of railroad building has not yet finally passed, but that we have really just begun in earnest to build roads through this section of country.

Very truly,

P.H. Gwynn, Leaksville, N.C.

From the front page of the Reidsville Review, Friday, Aug. 4, 1922

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